But when talk show host Jay Leno asked Maher about health care reform on Wednesday, Maher replied, "I thank the Tea Baggers. They're the ones who got it passed,"
Maher acknowledged that the Tea Partiers might be confused by his gratitude. "I'm sure they're saying, 'What are you talking about Bill?'" he suggested. "'I was so against the health care bill I marched on Washington with tea bags hanging from my hat, dressed up in my Founding Fathers costume, with a picture of Hitler, you know, and Obama's face on him, screaming about his birth certificate.'"
"And America saw that," Maher concluded, "and said, 'What loons. We're going with the calm black man. These idiots can't even spell, 'Go back to Kenya.'" Read on...
Bolling wouldn't have anything to be upset about if these Tea Partiers hadn't called themselves "teabaggers" until they figured out how unfortunate that choice of name was.