Fahrenheit 9/11-The Full Length Movie

If you haven't seen it, or just haven't seen it in a while, apparently someone uploaded the entire Fahrenheit 9/11 movie to You Tube with the approval of Michael Moore who thanked them for it after the fact. I'd much rather be watching Moore's

[oldembed src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/nYYKLnFRA4s" width="450" height="367" resize="1" fid="21"]

If you haven't seen it, or just haven't seen it in a while, apparently someone uploaded the entire Fahrenheit 9/11 movie to You Tube with the approval of Michael Moore who thanked them for it after the fact. I'd much rather be watching Moore's film again than the hours upon hours of so-called "news" coverage we had today where the war criminals were trotted out for some history revisionism and without a bit of perspective given to how that terrible tragedy was exploited by the Bush administration by our corporate media.

In the mean time, as Nicole already pointed out here, many thinking people are still grappling with what sort of country the United States has become in the aftermath of that terrible tragedy on 9-11. Moore's film serves as a reminder of what they decided to ignore during their ten year anniversary coverage and what we really should not be forgetting in the aftermath of the worst terrorist attack on American soil - the fact that we allowed that tragedy to be exploited to squash any dissent to our ill advised military invasions and to question the patriotism of anyone that dared to speak out against our invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

I wasn't blogging here or anywhere back then, but I was firmly against both, and at the time took some heat personally for speaking out against either invasion from anyone I discussed the matters with at the time. These days, I'm hard pressed to find anyone who had something to say about it back then willing to defend their stances now.

There are a lot of lessons we could actually be learning from what happened ten years ago on how to avoid repeating what happened that day. Sadly, our corporate media doesn't seem to be interested in any of them, but that pretty much goes without saying after watching their horrid coverage and their cheerleading for war and militarism that we've seen from them over the last ten years. Since it would mean admitting their complicity in the fearmongering and war mongering, I don't expect we'll ever see much of an admission from them with their own role in allowing our country to invade countries that weren't a threat to us or with hyping the fearmongering that allowed our citizens and our politicians who didn't agree with what we were doing to be bullied into going along to get along or you were treated like a pariah. Sadly, I remember that feeling ten years later all too well.

h/t Susie

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