flame thrower on as a guest, along with PBS's The McLaughlin Group, which still features Buchanan on most weekends. Host Greta Van Susteren brought on Buchanan this Wednesday evening for some of their typical fearmongering over whether the Bush tax cuts should be allowed to expire and for Buchanan to do the usual flame throwing he's known for, trying to paint the President as some sort of radical who pals around with terrorists.
Sadly for Buchanan, we all know how well this sort of flame throwing worked out for them during the last election. Buchanan is still lamenting the fact that his wanna' be girlfriend Palin didn't get elected and pretending her brand of radical rhetoric is something that appeals to most middle of the road voters.
The really pathetic thing about this interview and Van Susteren's show is that it actually got worse after she had Buchanan on. She followed this interview up with Donald Trump being allowed to lie in a fact free unchallenged zone, which is the comfort of Fox "News."