Fox Nation Posts Video Asking If The Fourth Horseman Of The Apocalypse Appears In Cairo

Okay, this is pathetic by even Fox's horrible standards. From Fox Nation -- Horseman of Apocalypse Shows up in Cairo?. This is an incredible piece of video. At the 1:20 mark you clearly see some greenish figure moving through the

Horseman of Apocalypse Shows up in Cairo?.

This is an incredible piece of video. At the 1:20 mark you clearly see some greenish figure moving through the crowd.

Between the crowds of protesters and barricades, the video shows a flowing, pale green image that resembles an erect rider atop a horse in Medieval-like barding. The ethereal figure remains for a few moments before floating over protesters' heads and off the screen.

Is this the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse?"

I await Glenn Beck airing the clip on his show some time this week. In case they pull the post or the video the video can be watched here as well, and here's a screen shot of the post at Fox Nation.

h/t todayspolitics

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