Fox News Managing Editor Sammon Plays Concern Troll For Beck Against Attacks From The 'Liberal Media'

The panel on Fox News Watch, the show on Fox News which ironically looks out for “media bias” as the host Jon Scott implores their viewers to share with them at the end of the segment, debated the media’s coverage of Glenn Beck’s

conservative evangelical religious leaders who were saying they didn’t agree with his views and that darned liberal media bothered to point that out.

And note to Fox News, Chris Matthews is not a liberal. He’s a beltway insider Villager who sticks his finger in the air and sees which way the wind is blowing and who occasionally calls a spade a spade when it deserves to be and does the right thing, like he did with Beck.

Those of us that actually deserve that label are sick to death of the media's fake balance and the fact that very few actual liberals are allowed on the air these days.

I watched some footage of Sammon a while back while he was on a book tour promoting his tome to George Bush, Stategery and the ass kissing praise of Bush was almost enough to make me want to throw up in my mouth a little and I had to turn it off after about ten minutes or so. So nice to see he’s moved on to praising Glenn Beck and playing the victim card for him here.

I would love for Bill Sammon to show some courage and defend his views up against that “liberal media” he loves to deride here. Bill, if you’re so sure of yourself, go debate Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann or Cenk Uygur and you tell any of them to their face that they’ve treated Glenn Beck badly. As I said, I don’t consider Matthews a liberal, but Sammon wouldn’t last two minutes with him if he actually had to debate him one on one on this issue. He would not last that long with the others that aren’t the milk toast all sides are equal we see on MSNBC day after day either. He probably would not even find any love over on their morning show with Scarborough these days even though he's just as much of a hack as he's always been most of the time.

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