Fox News Shows Rasmussen Poll Indicating Most Want Underwear Bomber Waterboarded

I've got to wonder what else Fox News and Rasmussen think are acceptable topics for poll questions besides whether it is okay to torture someone or no

torture someone or not. And since when does public approval for anything make it right? If the public still thought slavery was alright should we bring that back? How about women being allowed to vote? Inter-racial marriages--should we be taking some polls on what the public thinks about that topic?

As the Raw Story article noted:

Hard-line sentiments were also reflected in the answers to questions about airport security -- 54% would like to see the United States take control of boarding procedures at foreign airports -- closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay, and probes of CIA torture during the Bush administration.

Liberal blogs have been skeptical all year about Rasmussen polls which show President Obama with an approval rating far lower than any other polling organization, and polling analyst Nate Silver in particular has recently subjected Rasmussen to fierce mockery. This latest poll is likely to only increase the controversy.

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