Fox News Watch Panel Frets Over Suspension Of 'Brilliant Reporter' Mark Halperin At MSNBC

It seems that the majority of the panel on Fox's so-called media watchdog show, Fox News Watch were terribly upset that MSNBC suspended Mark Halperin after calling President Obama a dick on live television on Morning Joe. Personally I think if

calling President Obama a dick on live television on Morning Joe.

Personally I think if they were going to get rid of Halperin, it should have been for a lot of other reasons than what happened on Morning Joe that day. What's humorous about this exchange is that the panel of course equates what Halperin said on the air to a lot of the things Keith Olbermann said about George W. Bush which they thought he should have been suspended for. Hyperbolic or not, at least Olbermann didn't come on the air night after night and lie to his audience the way Fox does on the air every day.

The panel also painted the suspension being due to MSNBC's supposed "liberal bias" where they don't want anyone saying something bad about a Democratic president on the air, ignoring of course that Morning Joe could just as easily fit quite nicely into Fox's daily programming with the kind of right wing hackery we get from Joe Scarborough and his regular panel members and guests every morning.

And Jim Pinkerton called Halperin a “brilliant reporter.” I guess in Fox-World, Halperin would be considered that. Alan Colmes tried to point out the things that right wing radio hosts say on the air day after day about President Obama that go unpunished, ignoring of course some of the things said on his own network by the likes of the now canceled Glenn Beck and Eric Bolling as a couple of the worst examples.

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