Fox Panel Pretends Obama Taking Responsibility For Fake Scandals Will End Fox Scandal Mongering

The talking heads on Fox want their audience to believe they'll quit chasing drummed up "scandals" if the president just owns up to them.

For anyone that doesn't monitor the kind of B.S. that gets spouted on Fox "News" on a regular basis, I'll just say right off that bat that if I've heard a segment like this one once, I've heard it at least a few dozen times if not more in recent weeks, and I don't spend all that much time watching Fox.

While doing their best to conflate all of the recent "scandals" from the Obama administration, the better part of which are not scandals at all, and that have been discussed at this blog ad nauseum, the panel on Neil Cavuto's show this Monday did their best to muddy the waters and claim that if President Obama just took some responsibility for all of these drummed up "scandals" all of his problems would be solved.

Or more likely, they'd be using it as an excuse to impeach him. Call me a cynic, but I don't think any amount of "owning up" to anything by President Obama is going to stop the scandal mongering at Fox any time soon.

Here's some of the sage advice President Obama got from these talking heads at on Cavuto's show:

CROWLEY: Well, the seeds of all of these scandals, IRS, DOJ, the NSA, Obamacare now falling apart, all of those seeds were planted in the first term. Remember, in 2008, he talked about wanting to fundamentally transform the nation. Well, you can't do that without breaking some heads.

So obviously all of these things are a logical result of what he intended to do all along. The problem here is by being so dispassionate, by being so disconnected from the issues, as Melissa laid out, and the problems of all of these scandals, it leaves the impression of one of two things: either really deep corruption is going on here, or profound incompetence. And neither one of those things is good for any president.

Yeah, that's the ticket. We can't figure out whether he's the worst president ever because he's this brilliant but evil man, or if he has no clue what he's doing, so we'll just opt for both and hope our viewers don't realize we're talking out of both sides of our mouths.

After more opining from some Fox "Democratic strategist" I've never heard of, the viewers were treated to this nonsense from one of the regulars on their Business Network, Melissa Francis:

FRANCIS: I think he goes back to that original thing that you want. You want a president who actually stands for something and you don't want someone who looks like the nine year old who just got caught in the kitchen and is covered in cookie crumbs and he's giving you the technicality, "Well, I didn't take those cookies in the cookie jar." In the back of his mind he's saying, well, it was laying on the counter, so, you know, I'm not lying to you...

Did you lie about where that cookie came from, or were you clean about it? You said, you know what, I ate the cookie, I'm sorry, give me my punishment and let's move on from here. No one in Washington does that!

So we're comparing the President of the United States to a nine year old eating cookies now. Really? That has to be one of the more ridiculous and insulting things I've heard in a while, even for Fox.

Not to be outdone, Monica Crowley followed up by carrying water for her poor, picked on hero, Richard Nixon.

Heaven forbid we can't talk about any of the real problems we've got, like the number of people who are out of work, or how these sequester cuts are doing real harm to the middle class and the poor. They've got to fill their airways up with this nonsense.

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