President Obama's message to entrepreneurs that "you didn't build that" prompted one Georgia business owner to respond with a not-so-subtle retort.
"I built this business without gov't help. Obama can Kiss my ass," reads the sign outside Gaster Lumber & Hardware in Savannah, Ga. Owner Ray Gaster posted that and two similar ones at all three of his company's locations in response to Obama's comments during a speech to supporters in Virignia, which struck a nerve with small business owners around the nation. [...]
Since the comments created a firestorm, Obama's campaign has sought to put the comments in perspective, saying that Obama only meant that businesses rely on the community to flourish. Yet, his opponents have seized on the remarks, making them something of a small business rallying cry.
Gaster, a Vietnam veteran, told he built his now 28-year-old business from the ground up.
"I started on my own," Gaster said. "The government wasn't there. We work long, hard hours and what he said is an insult to any businessman."
The sign has been criticized for its harsh language, but Gaster said that the rough words were necessary.
"When I heard what he said, I said 'I'm going to give him an answer in Chicago language--something he's used to,'" he told "If I would have said 'Dear Mr. President...' there wouldn't have been as strong of a response."
Here's the real kicker though. Here's what he told Fox in the segment in the video above from Megyn Kelly's show. The sheer stupidity of his statements are breathtaking:
GASTOR: All these things that he mentioned, the roads, the teachers, the mentors, what have you, they're available to everyone and that road runs both ways. It can lead to success and I guess it can lead to failure. And I guess that when people fail... you know the logic, it just makes no sense at all. So people fail, it's all our fault? Because the bridge... the road didn't do something. And I've never saw a bridge or a road that met a payroll. That's never happened in my business and I don't think it's happened in any other small business out there.
He's got a problem with logic alright. Good gawd. Nothing like Fox just finding any excuse possible to show some angry Southern bigot cursing at our first black president. Way to keep it classy Fox.