Fox Pundits Push For Fire Sale To 'Fix' Detroit's Financial Problems

The Fox pundits on Cashin' In this Saturday think they have the solution to Detroit's problems. Liquidate the pensions of those pesky union "parasites" and privatize the entire city.

pitching predatory loans to seniors.

ROGERS: Eric, that's not going to do it. Look, Detroit is a microcosm of what could happen to the entire United States. The fundamental part of this is that they have destroyed the inner city. You have a forty seven percent illiteracy, functional illiteracy rate among adults in Detroit. You've allowed everybody in the world to vote for people who don't care. They've overtaxed. They've looted the city.

Now the way to cure this as Jonathan was right about, his second one, which I like best – privatize everything. Privatize not just... take that art collection which is $3 billion, $3 billion... big number, then take all, privatize the fire department. Privatize the police department. Privatize everything. Make them responsible. Cut the budget down to what it can do and then go forward.

BOLLING: Go Jonathan.

HOENIG: Yeah, I would even actually take it one step further away. Privatize the land. Privatize Detroit. I mean, Eric, you pointed out, this is a city that only has 700,000 people in there. You've got hundreds and hundreds of uninhabited acreage. Sell that to The Villages. Sell that to the people that put up Celebration Florida and let a private enterprise handle the infrastructure, the police, the fire, all those elements, make it a low tax, low regulation zone. I'm telling you, it will thrive.

Yeah, that's the ticket. What could possibly go wrong? He's right that it may mean the city is "thriving" for someone, but mainly just those who want to loot it. Too bad no one asked them how well those privatized parking meters are working out for Rhambo in Chicago.

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