Fox's Bolling Attacks Protesters As 'Taking On Small Business' By Marching On US Chamber Of Commerce

Fox's Eric Bolling and one of their supposed "straight news reporters" Steve Centanni covered some of the latest with the protests going on around the country with the Occupy Wall Street movement, and both of them were apparently very perplexed as

Think Progress' Faiz Shakir on US Chamber of Commerce Foreign Funding.

But over at Fox, Bolling and someone they pass off as one of their straight "news reporters" and not someone who does opinion is on there carrying water for a group that wants to do exactly what these Occupy Wall Street protesters are marching against, which is looking out for the interests of the wealthiest 1% that line their pockets while most of the country continues to have its standard of living decline.

Tools like Eric Bolling are being paid a healthy salary by the likes or Rupert Murdoch to try to get the electorate to vote against their own economic interests and to diminish the fact that there are a lot of average citizens just fed up with what's going on and to paint them as being uninformed. I'd say it's likely the opposite is true if they realized that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is not a friend to the working class in the United States or to small business, and that protesting their headquarters is very appropriate given who the U.S. Chamber is actually looking out for.

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