Fox's Jon Scott Praises Palin As 'Holding Her Own Against The Lamestream Media' During Today Show Appearance
Apparently the talking heads on the panel at Fox News Watch were terribly enamored with NBC's cheap publicity stunt for ratings by bringing on the Snowbilly from Wasilla so she could "stick it" to her "rival" Katie Couric, who was so terribly mean
Apparently the talking heads on the panel at Fox News Watch were terribly enamored with NBC's cheap publicity stunt for ratings by bringing on the Snowbilly from Wasilla so she could "stick it" to her "rival" Katie Couric, who was so terribly mean to her by asking her trick questions, like what does she read, during the last presidential election.
For someone who supposedly hates the so-called "lamestream media" Palin sure does want to be part of it, doesn't she? NBC should be ashamed of themselves for putting her on there in the first place.
h/t Media Matters