Fox's Krauthammer Compares Insurance Subsidies To Heroin

Fox's Charles Krauthammer does his best to compare those who will rely on government subsidies to pay for their health insurance to drug users.

already discussed here, Republicans are using the possible delays in the employer mandate of the Affordable Care Act as an excuse to do what they wanted to do already, which is repeal the entire law, or at least roll back the individual mandate as well in the hopes of sabotaging it. On this Wednesday's Special Report with Bret Baier, regular Charles Krauthammer decided took things a step further and compared those who are going to receive government subsidies for their insurance to drug addicts.

KRAUTHAMMER: But the strategy here is to hook Americans on the subsidized health insurance. They just announced they're going to spend a whole lot of money on that. They have suspended, in addition, the requirements where somebody who gets the subsidized insurance has to prove that he or she is eligible. So that's suspended. It's hook them on the subsidized health insurance today. You know, suspend all the stuff that will bring revenue into the government and then you're going to have a system where nobody will reject it in the future, because they're going to be on heroin.

Yes, because wanting to have health insurance so you're not bankrupted by medical bills is just like being hooked on drugs.

Of course they don't want to do anything to actually alleviate the problems either, like pushing for every American to earn a living wage instead of a race to the bottom, supporting unionization, and either enacting a single payer health care system or regulating the insurance companies the way they are in some countries in Europe. It's much easier to just punch down instead as we saw Krauthammer do here.

These right-wingers just can't stop themselves when it comes to taking cheap shots at anyone who actually works for a living who also relies on the government for any kind of help as lazy, drug addicted moochers. Although, they will make exceptions for those receiving farm subsidies or some corporate welfare.

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