Fox's MacCallum And Gallagher Pull Out The Victim Card For Bachmann

If there was any doubt that Michele Bachmann's formal entrance into the GOP 2012 presidential primary race might have just sucked up all the oxygen out of the room for the snow-billy Palin to still throw her hat in there, if she was ever going to

If there was any doubt that Michele Bachmann's formal entrance into the GOP 2012 presidential primary race might have just sucked up all the oxygen out of the room for the snow-billy Palin to still throw her hat in there, if she was ever going to run, this segment on Fox might be one example of why she likely won't.

Not only does she take her place with the Evangelical Christian and "tea party" crowd, she's also got the talking heads over at Fox immediately playing the victim card for her as well as we saw in this segment with Megyn Kelly fill-in Martha MacCallum and right wing flame thrower and radio host Mike Gallagher.

They've both apparently decided that since she gave a good showing after I'm sure being heavily coached for this week's GOP primary debate, that all of those terrible things those on the left have said about her are unwarranted or untrue.

What's sad is I don't think anyone on the left should actually discount her completely or any of the rest of them for that matter. This is after all, a country that managed to allow George W. Bush steal two elections because they were close enough that they could be stolen.

All we have to do is look to what's going on in Wisconsin and other states right now with voter disenfranchisement and the Republicans proving they're willing to continue to win at all costs no matter what it takes to see what we're going to be in for in 2012. They've quit pretending that they care what the public thinks about their willingness to steal elections openly and they've got their propaganda machine in the media willing to aid and abet them as well.

If we're unfortunate enough to see Bachmann start winning some primary races, expect more segments like this from not only Fox, but our other "news" networks as well.

I just hope they are countered equally by segments like Cenk ran this week as well on Bachmann, but I'm not holding my breath.

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