it's not just Karl Rove out there conflating the morning after pill, which is emergency contraception with the abortion drug RU486. Here's Peter Johnson on this Saturday morning's edition of Fox & Friends shilling for the Catholic bishops as well. As Priscilla rightfully noted in her post:
And I can't believe that it's 2012 and we're talking about a woman's right to birth control. The last time I heard this argument was around 1961 when Catholic priests used their pulpits to condemn Planned Parenthood and women who used the sinful birth control pill.("Every Sperm is Sacred!") I was appalled then and I continue to be appalled at how this church uses its power and wealth to try to impose its misogynistic views on all women. And unlike the old days, it has a national news network from which to spread its, IMHO, archaic, misogynistic views. Fox News "fair & balanced" thanks be to Roger Ailes, Fox's "version of God."
Amen to that sister. Go read the whole thing here for a description of Johnson's hackery -- Peter Johnson Jr. Continues Lie That Emergency Contraception Is Abortion Drug.
As Media Matters noted, we've got more of this coming sadly even after the President's compromise on the insurance mandate -- Fox Prepares To Move The Goalposts On Insurance Coverage For Contraception.