Fox's Van Susteren And Buchanan Attack Obama For Appearing On Leno, Taking Vacation

This seems to be one of the talking heads over at Fox's favorite lines of attack. I don't think President Obama has managed to take a single vacation or go on a single trip since he was elected without the right-wing carping about him taking time away from doing his job, or complaining about how much security is costing the taxpayers.

these embassy closings and hyped up terrorism alerts going on, because we all know there is no president capable of doing his job unless he's sitting in the White House.

They also managed to trot out the tired old meme that President Obama declared the "war on terror" is over, when, unfortunately, that's not what he said as Media Matters explains here.

Someone let me know how many times they ever went after The Shrub when he was down "clearing brush" on his countless weeks of vacatoin at his prop of a ranch in Texas.

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