Frank Gaffney Tells Ron Reagan Jr. That His Father Would Have Been Ashamed Of Him

Frank Gaffney finishes up this shout-fest on Hardball by telling Ron Reagan Jr. that his father would have been ashamed of him. Can't win an argument,

Frank Gaffney finishes up this shout-fest on Hardball by telling Ron Reagan Jr. that his father would have been ashamed of him. Can't win an argument, resort to personal attacks and name calling. Classy there Gaffney. About as classy as Matthews who can't come up for air for five seconds and quit talking long enough allow the man a chance to respond without being talked over.

And why is neo-con Frank Gaffney who just held an "awards dinner" for the likes of Dick Cheney and Scooter Libby treated like someone credible we should pay any attention to? Or Cheney for that matter? Dick Cheney speaks and these idiots all rush to cover him, like anyone cares what Dick Cheney thinks about anything. Can't he just go back to shooting his friends in the face on hunting trips and leave the rest of us alone?

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