Funny Or Die's Presidential Reunion: SNL Comedians Tell Obama To Back The Consumer Financial Protection Agency

Funny or Die's Presidential Reunion from Will Ferrell From Funny or Die: Barack Obama gets a surprise visit in the night from ex-Presidents Bush Sr.

Funny or Die's Presidential Reunion from Will Ferrell

From Funny or Die:

Barack Obama gets a surprise visit in the night from ex-Presidents Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Clinton, Ford, Reagan and Carter to get a few pointers about the Consumer Financial Protection Agency and why it's so important.

UPDATE: John Amato

This is a pretty good video, but the point they are making is brilliant.


A star-studded cast unites in a new Web video from online comedy site Funny or Die to argue for the creation of a proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency, <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/03/01/AR2010030102049.html"> a proposal now under consideration by Congress</a>, as part of an effort by a coalition of liberal groups on behalf of financial regulatory reform.

The nearly-six minute "Presidential Reunion" skit, released Wednesday, features "Saturday Night Live" star Fred Armisen as Barack Obama and SNL alumna Maya Rudolph as Michelle Obama. The stars are visited in a dream sequence by a slew of comedic heavy-weights acting the part of former presidents: Will Ferrell (George W. Bush), Jim Carrey (Ronald Reagan), Dana Carvey (George H. W. Bush), Darrell Hammond (Bill Clinton), Chevy Chase (Gerald Ford) and Dan Aykroyd (Jimmy Carter).

At the end of the skit, the video tells viewers to call their senators and sends them to the Web site of The Mainstreet Brigade, which describes itself as a national "rapid response team" that is working "to support the formation of the Consumer Financial Protection act, and protect our families and communities."

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