George Will Calls Media Coverage Of Hurricanes Overblown Because He's Already Aware They Might Hit His S.C. Vacation Home

How completely out of touch is right-wing pundit during this segment on ABC's This Week? After showing the politicians giving warnings to residents to take shelter and evacuate dangerous areas and Jake Tapper asking if they're being overly cautious

How completely out of touch is right-wing pundit during this segment on ABC's This Week? After showing the politicians giving warnings to residents to take shelter and evacuate dangerous areas and Jake Tapper asking if they're being overly cautious after the debacle we saw with how the Bush administration handled Hurricane Katrina, here's how Will responds.

WILL: I have a home on South Carolina's Atlantic coast. I know that the Atlantic Ocean generates hurricanes and they can be dangerous and those are predictable. That said, this too must be said. Florence Nightingale said, whatever you say about hospitals, they shouldn't make their patients sicker. And whatever else you want to say about journalism, it shouldn't subtract from the nation's understanding, and it certainly shouldn't contribute to the manufactured, synthetic hysteria that is so much a part of modern life. And I think we may have done so with regard to this "tropical storm", as it now seems to be.

We've got team members here at Crooks and Liars with their power out, trees down and having to temporarily move out of their homes and as one of them noted after hearing this, I doubt we'll see George Will having to evacuate to a shelter anytime soon. Ain't that the truth? You notice Will didn't say "his home" as in where he lives. He said "I have a home", as in one of multiple homes, meaning this is his vacation house on the beach he's talking about.

Cokie Roberts was quite obviously disgusted after hearing Will's remark and reminded him what a horrible toll Hurricane Katrina took on the lives of everyone, but especially the most vulnerable like the elderly and children and also reminded him that for the people who are actually stuck in the middle of these disaster areas, there is no such thing as an overabundance of caution.

I'm not sure how many more rotten things have to come out of George Will's mouth before the network removes him as a permanent fixture from this show, but it seems the chances of every getting rid of him are probably about as likely as seeing MSNBC ever tell their resident bigot Pat Buchanan to hit the bricks.

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