George Will Says He'd Look Forward To Seeing Paul Ryan Debating Joe Biden As Veep Pick
While discussing the potential choices for vice president and who Mitt Romney may eventually pick, ABC This Week regular George Will expressed his support for the Republicans' poster-boy for privatizing Medicare and Social Security, for that very
While discussing the potential choices for vice president and who Mitt Romney may eventually pick, ABC This Week regular George Will expressed his support for the Republicans' poster-boy for privatizing Medicare and Social Security, for that very reason. Apparently Will believes a full-throated debate over eliminating our social safety nets as we know them would be a good thing for the GOP.
BRAZILE: You know, George, I would pick George Will, because he's a reliable, consistent conservative. I've known George for many, many years. He could stand up to the scrutiny, and he's solid on all of those things that matters to conservatives. Thank you.
STEPHANOPOULOS: What are you going to do with that endorsement, George?
WILL: I would pick someone 30 years younger than I am, which is Paul Ryan or Bobby Jindal, who's been a governor. I think Mr. Romney needs some kind of excitement, that is, go young, go conservative, and go someone who's so deeply in the weeds on the entitlement crisis that the country's having, and, finally, look forward to, say, Paul Ryan debating Joe Biden.
I think the selection of either Rep. Paul Ryan or Gov. Bobby Jindal would go over just as well as Brazile's kidding about Mittens picking George Will, although the media does love Paul Ryan and continually praises him as very, very serious for wanting to lead us to a "path to poverty" with that cruel budget proposal of his.
Regardless of the media's love affair with Ryan, his budget proposals did not go over well with the public or with senior citizens, who Republicans cannot afford to lose in the upcoming presidential election. I don't see how they'd want to add that demographic to the women and Hispanic voters that are already leaving them in droves right now.