Glenn Beck Mocks Marine Sgt. Shamar Thomas Who Confronted Police During #OWS Protests

Glenn Beck made Keith Olbermann's Worst Person's list for mocking Sgt. Shamar Thomas, who as we noted is the veteran who railed against police brutality during the Occupy Wall Street protests -- US Military Veteran Rants Against Police Brutality at

US Military Veteran Rants Against Police Brutality at #OWS Protest in Times Square -- and who also appeared on Keith's show the following day -- Sgt. Shamar Thomas Discusses His Experience Confronting the NYPD in Times Square.

Think Progress has more -- VIDEO: Glenn Beck Mocks Marine Who Protested NYPD Police Brutality:

On his radio show yesterday, hate radio host Glenn Beck mocked Thomas, implying that there was no police brutality that had taken place for him to be angry about. One of his co-hosts called Thomas just “one panicked man screaming”:

BECK: The guy who was like there’s no honor in this, these people are unarmed, there’s no honor in this and I’m watching this [laughing] and I couldn’t take it anymore, because the video shows this Marine yelling [mocking crying voice] stop brutalizing, we’re unarmed! And the cops have their hands in their pockets. [...] They’re like, “We know, we’re standing here.”

CO-HOST: What, you want us to brutalize you, is that what you want? [...]

OTHER CO-HOST: That video taken from the right angle is just one panicked man screaming. As long as you take that picture from one side, it’s pretty dramatic.

If Beck and the co-host had bothered to actually watch the video to its completion, they could see that Thomas explained that he had witnessed police brutality earlier and that he wanted to tell the police to stop using those same tactics — not that the police who were standing there were directly responsible for the behavior. But it seemed like Beck was all too eager to mock this Iraq veteran to study the facts first.

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