Graham Still Lying About Byrd's Statement On The Use Of Reconciliation

Lindsey Graham continues to tell the lie his BFF John McCain was telling on the Senate floor last week, that Sen. Robert Byrd does not think reconcili

BFF John McCain was telling on the Senate floor last week, that Sen. Robert Byrd does not think reconciliation can be used to fix the health care bill.

GRAHAM: Well, number one, they related to income and spending. And this is one-sixth of the economy about to be affected here. Under reconciliation, you can't make any changes to Social Security because Senator Byrd understood it was never meant to be used for a purpose like this.

Senator Byrd said you couldn't pass Senator -- President Clinton's health care plan through reconciliation. It was never meant -- and you can repeal the Bush tax cuts if you don't like it. If they use this device called reconciliation to deal out Republicans, it will open up Pandora's box.

And as Think Progress noted, he isn't being honest about the health care plan being very similar to what they passed in Massachusetts either.

GRAHAM: And the interview I just heard is spin, campaigning. I thought the campaigning was over. Are you trying to tell me and the American people that Scott Brown got elected campaigning against a Washington bill that really is just like the Massachusetts bill?

The American people are getting tired of this crap. No way in the world is what they did in Massachusetts like what we're about to do in Washington. We didn't cut Medicare -- they didn't cut Medicare when they passed the bill in Massachusetts. They didn't raise $500 billion on the American people when they passed the bill in Massachusetts.

To suggest that Scott Brown is basically campaigning against the bill in Washington that is like the one in Massachusetts is complete spin. I've been in bipartisan deals, I was in the "gang of 14" to stop the Senate from blowing up when the Republicans wanted to change the rules and use the majority vote to get judges through.

If they do this, it's going to poison the well for anything else they would like to achieve this year or thereafter.

Poison the well huh... like it can't be any more poisoned than is is now. Digby has more on Graham's hackery this morning.

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