The Green Room: Huffington And Krugman Criticize Ailes Appearance On This Week

From Think Progress -- ABC Panelists Criticize Ailes’ Evasion Of Why Fox News Cut Away From Obama-House GOP Conversation: Guest host Barbara Walter

ABC Panelists Criticize Ailes’ Evasion Of Why Fox News Cut Away From Obama-House GOP Conversation:

Guest host Barbara Walters cut off the conversation though, since the show was over. However, discussion on the topic then continued in the green room, even though Ailes wasn’t present. Both Huffington and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman criticized the network for its hypocrisy:

HUFFINGTON: Their framing of the President is that he’s radical, that he’s taking us down a dark, fascist or Bolshevik future — depending on the day. And there he was, rational, charming, and in full command of his facts. So the narrative fell apart and so the cameras stopped showing what was happening.

KRUGMAN: Yeah, I mean it’s — I thought it was actually quite funny except it has real consequences. There you have Roger Ailes, with this powerful, popular news network, whining about how the media are unfair to Republicans. I mean, he is a powerful person in the media — and of course, you know, “Fair and Balanced” is truly Orwellian and we know that. So it’s clear that Fox — I felt like yelling to him, “you can’t handle the truth,” because that was what was actually happening on the Fox coverage.

I wonder where Ailes and Walters were for this after the show segment. And of course George Will decided to defend Ailes and Fox News saying that the media we have now is better than what we had back when there were just three networks to choose from. Not without some push back from Huffington and Krugman. And of course Will feigns ignorance on just how bad Glenn Beck's show is by claiming he never watches it. I highly doubt George Will doesn't actually know just how bad Glenn Beck's show is. That just gives him an easy out to pretend he doesn't.

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