Greta Van Susteren Retracts Trumps Birther Nonsense As Soon As He Leaves The Air

Apparently the wingnuts are so desperate to detract from the fact that Mitt Romney is having a really bad news cycle from refusing to release his tax returns, that they're willing to throw the birtherism nonsense out there instead as a distraction.

Trumps' birther nonsense. And here's now Van Susteren ended the segment after repeatedly trying to get Trump to justify the claims about the money being spent for supposed and unsubstantiated cover ups while interviewing him.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now during our interview, Donald Trump said Obama spent $4 million to keep his records secret. Now, we did try to confirm his claims, but we were unable to.

Or in other words, the guy I was just letting spew lies in the interview you just watched is full of crap, but I wasn't willing to call him out for it while I had him on the air. Bravo Greta. Why bother if you're going to let him go unchallenged while you had a chance to refute him? And before anyone else answers, that was a rhetorical question we all already know the answer to. I expect hell to freeze over before we'll ever see the likes of Van Susteren answer it honestly on the air.

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