The Empire Strikes Back! Hannity Smears Rep. Keith Ellison
It looks like Hannity is still smarting from having his rear end handed to him by Rep. Keith Ellison, because he's been doing his best to get even.
Hannity brought on Fox regulars, the New York Civil Rights Coalition and ALEC shill Michael Meyers along with FreedomWorks' Deneen Borelli to help launch Hannity's latest Islamophobic attack on Rep. Ellison.
Sean Hannity Launches Islamophobic Attack Against Keith Ellison:
Conservative talk show host Sean Hannity launched an Islampophobic attack against Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) during his Fox News show on Thursday night, implying that the Muslim Congressman is a racist and an anti-Semite. The segment came just days after Ellison and Hannity engaged in a confrontational interview on Tuesday night. “We decided to take a closer look at the man who called me immoral and a liar,” Hannity began. “Now it didn’t take long to prove his hypocrisy, as his past reveals a host of radical connections primarily to Louis Farrakhan and The Nation of Islam.”
The Fox host dug up attacks from Ellison’s 2006 Congressional campaign, criticizing the Minnesota lawmaker for defending Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam in his law school newspaper from charges of anti-Semitism and appearing on stage with Farrakhan aide Khalid Muhammad.
In the late 1990s, Ellison worked with the group to organize the Million Man March, but apologized for failing to “adequately scrutinize the positions and statements” of the Nation of Islam and Farrakhan six years ago in a letter to the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas.
“I wrongly dismissed concerns that they were anti-Semitic,” he wrote, adding, “They were and are anti-Semitic and I should have come to that conclusion earlier than I did.” “I have long since distanced myself from and rejected the Nation of Islam due to its propagation of bigoted and anti-Semitic ideas and statements, as well as other issues.” Read on...
Media Matters has more on how this is nothing new for Hannity: Sean Hannity's Latest Islamophobic Smear Against Rep. Keith Ellison :
Fox News' Sean Hannity followed up two days of attacks on Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) by trying to link the Muslim congressman to Louis Farrakhan, the controversial leader of the Nation of Islam. The attack was just the latest in Hannity's long history of anti-Muslim attacks on Ellison. [...]
Hannity's allegations follow a long line of smears that he and his peers at Fox News have leveled at Ellison and the Islamic faith. The attacks began as far back as 2006, when Hannity attacked Ellison's intention to take the oath of office on a Quran. Hannity suggested that using the Muslim holy book for a swearing-in was comparable to using "Hitler's Mein Kampf, which is the Nazi bible."
Hannity has hosted Pamela Geller, head of the anti-Muslim group Stop the Islamization of America on air to smear Islam. Geller's group has been identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a "hate group." Hannity was also a vocal defender of evangelist Franklin Graham after Graham said that Muslims are "enslaved" by their religion. And Hannity has mocked Islam's holy figure, referring to him as the "so-called Prophet Muhammad."