Hardball: Kit Bond Defends Torture But Doesn't Want To Call It Torture

[media id=7169] Kit Bond making one of the most convoluted arguments I've ever heard about why Gitmo should stay open and what defines torture. He

Kit Bond making one of the most convoluted arguments I've ever heard about why Gitmo should stay open and what defines torture. He resorts to the latest GOP talking point that if we allow the prisoners at Gitmo to be brought to US prisons we should all be very afraid that they're going to escape and kill us all. Way to keep that fear mongering up Sen. Bond. He also claims that anyone wanting to prosecute the Bush administration for war crimes is suffering from the "ultimate in Bush derangement syndrome".

This man makes me really, really ashamed to have to have him representing my state and really, really grateful he's not running for reelection.

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