Hardball: Newt Gingrich "The Statesman"

I caught this yesterday and just got around to posting it. Apparently Steve Benen had the same reaction to it that I did. Gingrich, a statesman? Are y

had the same reaction to it that I did. Gingrich, a statesman? Are you kidding me?

FINEMAN: I'm just saying as between Newt Gingrich, who was the main speaker at this dinner and Sarah Palin, I'm not sure ideologically, and in terms of scaring moderates that there's that much difference between them. I guess that's my only point.

MATTHEWS: I have to tell you, time does heal all wounds. Aren't you amazed at how Newt Gingrich has come back almost like Lazarus, Howard? The guy was sort of taken out of this town on a rail. He was tarred and feathered. He had all kinds of personal problems we will not go into. He had all the problems you can imagine Clinton had, on top of the fact that he had blown it politically in the Congress. He had lost all credibility. Now, he's back as the Obi Wan Kenobi of the Republican Party.

FINEMAN: Well he's a statesman. He's a....

MATTHEWS: How'd that happen?

FINEMAN: If you hang around long enough, that's part of it.

MARTIN: He's a survivor.

FINEMAN: He's a survivor and he's a thoughtful guy. I mean, there's no question that he's a fascinating guy to listen to.

MATTHEWS: He is fascinating, the guy. He's one of the world's great fire crackers.

Uh....Chris...Howard...that happened because the media has elevated him to that level. Not that he deserves to be there. And why shouldn't you mention just what those problems were? You sure didn't show Bill Clinton the same deference.

What's really astounding is listening to Howard basically say he scares the hell out of everyone almost as much as Palin in one breath and then call him a "statesman" in the next. Good grief.

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