Harry Reid: Social Security 'Off The Table'

As I said after his appearance on Meet the Press a few weeks ago, thank you Harry Reid for pushing back against the rhetoric we've been hearing on Social Security. Now it seems he's gone a bit further. Here's more from TPM -- Harry Reid Takes

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As I said after his appearance on Meet the Press a few weeks ago, thank you Harry Reid for pushing back against the rhetoric we've been hearing on Social Security. Now it seems he's gone a bit further. Here's more from TPM -- Harry Reid Takes Social Security 'Off The Table':

At an event with progressive activists last week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid took major Social Security cuts and privatization completely off the legislative table.

"As long as I'm the Majority Leader, I'm going to do everything within my legislative powers to prevent privatizing or eliminating Social Security," Reid said. "I'll simply say it's off the table." [...]

Reid's been a pretty staunch defender of Social Security, but this statement goes a bit further than previous ones. Most recently, on Meet the Press, he said he wouldn't be a part of any effort to undermine the program. But now, he's taken privatization and raising the retirement age off the table.

That's significant given a fairly broad consensus among conservative Democrats and Republicans that the retirement age should be bumped up. With Republicans in control of the House, the Senate could end up being the firewall protecting Social Security from those sorts of cuts.

You can join the Progressive Change Campaign Committee's campaign to protect Social Security here.

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