Hayes: Iranian Population Tilting Towards The U.S. Because Of What Happened In Afghanistan And Iraq

After being asked if the Iranian regime is hoping the United States will attack them to stifle the pro-democracy movement there Hayes thinks it is pos

After being asked if the Iranian regime is hoping the United States will attack them to stifle the pro-democracy movement there Hayes thinks it is possible but doesn’t think it will work because of this:

Hayes: Right now you’ve got an Iran and an Iranian population that I think is in some ways tilting toward the United States, in no small measure because they’ve seen what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq. They’ve seen that people in their region, their neighbors, can have full elections—can have fair elections and they want that kind of representative government for themselves. So I don’t think that that’s necessarily going to work if that’s in fact what’s happened in Iran.

Who does he think he’s kidding? They watched two of their neighbors get invaded and occupied and that’s why the people there want democracy and like the United States? While I have no doubt that a great deal of the people there would like to have democracy and get out from under the repressive regime there, holding up Iraq and Afghanistan as some model they aspire to is just outright ridiculous neocon history revisionism. Not that I’d expect anything different from Dick Cheney sycophant Stephen Hayes.

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