Huckabee Attempts To Walk Back Comments On Removal Of God And School Shooting

It looks like Mike Huckabee isn't too happy about all the grief he got for his comments the previous day on Fox, about the tragic shooting at the elementary school in Connecticut, because he came back on the next morning on Fox & Friends and tried

his comments the previous day on Fox, about the tragic shooting at the elementary school in Connecticut, because he came back on the next morning on Fox & Friends and tried to walk them back, at least in part.

Huckabee Tries To Walk Back Comments On God And School Shootings:

On Fox & Friends Saturday, he attempted to clarify his comments, saying, "Yesterday, I was on Neil Cavuto. He asked me, you know, where was God? I said, you know, we've systematically removed him from our culture, from our schools. Well, I've been barraged by people who have said that I said, well, if we just have prayer in schools, this wouldn't happen. That's not my point."

Huckabee continued:

HUCKABEE: No, my point is a larger point -- that we have as a culture decided that we don't want to have values, that we don't want to say that some things are always right, some things are always wrong. When we divorce ourselves from a basic sense of what we would call, I would say, collective morality where we agree on certain principles to be true always, then we create a culture -- not that it specifically creates this crime. It doesn't. But it creates an atmosphere in which evil and violence are removed from our sense of responsibility.

Yet while Huckabee now claims that his initial point wasn't that "if we just have prayer in schools, this wouldn't happen," Huckabee told Cavuto on Friday, "We ask why there is violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage?" Huckabee concluded his remarks by saying, "Maybe we ought to let [God] in on the front end and we wouldn't have to call him to show up when it's all said and done at the back end."

As Huckabee acknowledged on Fox & Friends Saturday, his remarks have drawn much attention from the media.

I don't think he did himself any favors here. And of course, he's insisting that now isn't the time to talk about gun control... or tomorrow.... or any time this week. We'll do that later, which means never. But of course it's not too soon for him to spend his entire upcoming show this Saturday night talking about the tragedy and how to talk to your children about it.

UPDATE: And if anyone didn't think HuckaJesus could amp the amount of crazy up any higher, here he is on his Saturday show on Fox, first attacking the liberals for daring to point out that he did indeed say lack of prayer in schools was responsible for this shooting, and then going into some bizarre rant about their fake war on Christmas and those supposed abortion loving liberals.

Then he brings in Geraldo who gives the viewers a disgusting blow by blow of how many times those poor children were shot, agrees with Huckabee that it's "evil" as opposed to say, mental illness that's responsible for what happened, and then compares the tragedy to the Holocaust.

What's really frightening is that Huckabee has been discussed by our media as someone to take seriously as a contender for the presidency. He'd be getting way too much air time if he was only allowed to pollute our airways on late night infomercials at 3am on channels almost no one watches.

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