Hutchison Doesn't Understand Why Anyone Would Care What She And Fellow Republicans Did Back In 2008

Kay Bailey Hutchison just can't understand why anyone would care that she's a big flaming hypocrite with her concern for troop levels in Afghanistan n

Kay Bailey Hutchison just can't understand why anyone would care that she's a big flaming hypocrite with her concern for troop levels in Afghanistan now that a Democrat is the President. When David Shuster asks her why she and other Republicans didn't have anything to say back in 2008 when George Bush refused a troop increase in Afghanistan, Hutchison punts and never answers the question and instead says she doesn’t know why “we’re talking about 2008”. Hutchison gets some help from Tamryn Hall at the end of the segment. She jumped in there instead of allowing David Shuster to follow up and remind her why talking out of both sides of your mouth matters if you expect anyone to believe your concerns are legitimate now.

Shuster: Senator the complaint from Democrats though is that you're essentially shopping for the right generals and Democrats are pointing out that in September of 2008 when President Bush was in office the top U.S. Commander in Afghanistan at the time Gen. David McKiernan said this about his request for an additional 22,000 troops. "The danger is that we'll be here longer and we'll expend more resources and experience more human suffering than if we had more resources placed against this campaign sooner. The additional military capabilities that have been asked for are needed as quickly as possible"

That request from Gen. McKiernan was not granted until February of this year--was granted by President Obama. So will you acknowledge that Republicans who were speaking out today should have spoken out back at the end of the Bush administration?

Hutchison: Well I'm not sure exactly what your time frame is. I think certainly President Obama took several months to address the issue that Gen. McChrystal had asked for more troops and I think at this point we need to be talking about winning. We need to be talking about what is success. We need to establish that we are going to stop al Qaeda from exporting terrorism. That should be the mission and we should do whatever it takes to win this war on terrorism...(crosstalk)

Shuster: But Senator Republicans weren't saying that when Gen. McKiernan was making the request in the fall of 2008 when President Bush never mind taking three months--he didn't act on the request at all and the Republicans didn't--we've checked your record--can you refresh our recollection as to whether you were complaining about your colleagues and about the Bush administration ignoring Gen. McKiernan back in the fall of 2008?

Huchison: Well actually I ahhh... Sec. Gates was the Secretary then and I know certainly that he is doing everything that he can with the requests that are made for Afghanistan and we've had a ramp up of troop’s strength. We've been trying to allocate recourses away from Iraq and into Afghanistan. I really don't know why we are talking about what has happened in 2008 so much as we ought to be talking about what's happening for the next two years to win this war on terror.

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