It's Called 'Hippie Punching' Ed

Ed Schultz talked to GritTV's Laura Flanders about President Obama's noted absence supporting the protests we're seeing in Wisconsin and around the country and had a graphic up titled "base dumping". Someone needs to tell Ed that the correct term

Ed Schultz talked to GritTV's Laura Flanders about President Obama's noted absence supporting the protests we're seeing in Wisconsin and around the country and had a graphic up titled "base dumping". Someone needs to tell Ed that the correct term for the Democrats constantly dumping on the progressive wing of their base is "hippie punching."

Ed and Laura talked about the need for President Obama and the Democrats to get out in front of this and show some support for labor and for the president to act like he still believes some of what he campaigned on and that he's supportive of labor unions. They talked about some of his advisers telling him that he needs to reconnect with his base. Ya' think?

If the Democratic Party and President Obama don’t figure out that they’re not going to win elections by crapping on their base and on labor unions, they’re going to find out again as they did in the last mid-term election that they haven’t given the voters a reason to support them.

Politicians do the right thing when they’re pushed, so I think it’s wonderful that we’re finally seeing the Democratic base wake up and show up for these protests around the country. What it’s going to take for us to have our political system cleaned up and the voices of the people heard instead of the big monied interests is beyond me, but I think people taking to the streets is at least a good start.

There are still more of us than there are of them and the Koch brothers and the “tea party” can try on influence our elections, but there’s a rate of diminishing returns on that which is not endless once you screw over enough people.

I’ve got a conservative co-worker that has finally realized just how terrible this astroturf teabagger movement is. He’s a divorcee that’s been Jesus’d into being afraid of gay people getting married, even though he’s been married, divorced and remarried himself and after years of trying to tell him that these tea partiers don’t care about the working class, he finally figured it out for himself.

When he found them out there bashing unions and talked to them himself at a protest in our area he went to, he was horrified. Later I got him to listen to some of Fox on my satellite radio while we at work and he was even more horrified yet. He asked me if these people just wanted there to be nothing left but rich and poor and I told him, yes, that’s exactly what they want.

I would guess we've got a whole lot of others with buyer’s remorse and with similar stories all around the country with this overreach by these Republican governors as well. If President Obama and the Democratic Party don’t realize that it’s time to take a stand with the working class and with the unions that helped get them elected, we’re in for some hard times with retaining what’s left of a middle class in America.

I really hate to see that happen when one of my conservative friends finally woke up to the fact the Republicans uses religious issues to divide people and the the "tea party" hates unions. If the leadership of the Democratic Party and President Obama are not willing to stand up for the working class, I hope we start seeing more Wisconsin sized protests around the country despite their disregard. They ignore us at their peril.

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