Jack Cafferty: What's Behind Michelle Obama's Surge In Popularity?

[media id=7755] You Tube Someone's got a crush on the First Lady. Don't tell the President...lol. From The Cafferty File: First Lady Michelle Obama

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Someone's got a crush on the First Lady. Don't tell the President...lol. From The Cafferty File:

First Lady Michelle Obama is even more popular than her husband, who has a hefty majority of Americans supporting him. A new Gallup poll show’s the first lady’s favorable rating at 72 percent compared to 69 percent for the president.

Also, Michelle Obama’s unfavorable ratings are much lower than the president’s — 17 percent for her versus 28 percent for him.

What a difference a year makes… On the campaign trail last winter and spring, Michelle Obama was at times considered a political liability. Some portrayed her as an “angry black woman,” while others didn’t like the way she talked about things like her husband’s dirty socks. And many questioned Michelle’s patriotism when she said she only recently became proud of her country.

But all that has changed… Another recent poll shows the first lady’s favorability ratings are up 28 percent since the summer. The most striking part of the Michelle “surge” is that she’s made the biggest gains among Republicans who viewed her negatively last year.

People are drawn to this woman; she is the real thing, and they get it. They like her focus on children and family, her devotion to her own daughters and husband, her visits to schools, soup kitchens, federal agencies, and her planting of the first White House vegetable garden since Eleanor Roosevelt.

Michelle Obama is rapidly moving to displace a couple of the more revered women of our recent past. The British media are positively beside themsevles over Mrs. Obama’s visit; and they know something about how to get beside themselves. They are comparing our new first lady to both Princess Diana and Jacqueline Kennedy. Actually, she’s cooler than either of them.

Here’s my question to you: What’s behind Michelle Obama’s remarkable surge in popularity?

Tom from Switzerland writes:

A big open heart, intelligence, sincerity, compassion, knowledge, charm, straight-forwardness, a great sense of humor, a committed mother, natural beauty… Ok, ok, I’ll stop.

Richard from McKinney, Texas writes:

Jack, Michelle Obama is popular right now because she is a new and novel thing that has not made major mistakes yet. Give her a little time. This too shall pass.

Kevin from Dallas writes:

I think Mrs. Obama’s surge in popularity is that she’s not acting like a politician. Her power doesn’t come from who her husband is, so she’s free to be her own woman. At the same time, she doesn’t seem to feel the need to prove herself to everyone. She seems genuine, and is a good role model.

C. writes:

Jack, Michelle Obama looks great! We’re all tired of looking at old white guys in D.C.

Mark from Oklahoma City writes:

The hyped-up, ultra-over-the-top, national media slobbering all over her “bare arms” and her over-blown “fashion sense” is the main reason, Jack. Her touching the Queen is something that even an Okie, back-woods hick like me would know better than to do.

Kate from Dallas writes:

People feel like they can relate to her. She could be your next-door neighbor. She is refreshing.

Louise from Alabama writes:

Humans are mostly water. She is pure electricity.

Star from Auburn, Ohio writes:

Jack, It all started when you told the world you had a crush on her. From your lips to the global ears of the many who now appreciate our brightest first lady in over four decades. One person can make a difference.

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