Jack Conway Gives A Barnburner Of A Speech Attacking Rand Paul

Kentucky Senate Democratic nominee Jack Conway gave one hell of a barnburner of a speech this weekend at their Fancy Farm event in Kentucky and called

Bronte17 at Daily KOS shared some of the tweets of the day on the event if you'd like to check that out and recommend their post if there's still time and was kind enough to post the transcript of Conway's remarks as well. More like this please from anyone running against the likes of Rand Paul and his fellow teabaggers in the south.

Conway: But the accident that the nation and Kentucky cannot allow to happen would be the election of Rand Paul.

This race presents a clear choice. A clear choice between my proven record and our responsible proposals for the future... and the risky and radical ideas of my opponent. As Kentucky's chief law enforcement officer, we've taken 70,000 child porns images off of the internet, we've gone aggessively after the drug dealers and sex predators and those who prey on our seniors. We helped shut down that prescription pill pipeline from Florida and we cracked down on the oil companies that would gauge and we increased Medicaid fraud collections by 600% by going after the drug companies that lied to us.

That's a record. That's a record of taking a public office and treating it as a public trust. And that's just what I'll do as your next United States Senator.

Kentuckians are hurting. Too many are out of work. That's why I have a detailed jobs plan that will create 11,000 jobs here in Kentucky. Too many small businesses can't get a loan. That's why we've got a program to get small and community banks lending again to small and medium-sized businesses who create the jobs in this Commonwealth of Kentucky.

The government spends too much. That's why I have a deficit reduction plan that would save taxpayers nearly half a trillion dollars. And you can actually read it on my website. I understand.

I understand that Kentuckians face serious challenge. And I've seen it first hand. I've seen it in small business owners who can't get a loan or our farmers right here in Western Kentucky who are concerned about this year's crop. But to those families and to those challenges my opponent offers only out-of-touch radical views that are risky and even scary. Views that would hurt Kentucky families.

And he waffles and he backpedals when his risky ideas are exposed. Just listen... Rand Paul is against nearly all federal spending except that which feathers his own nest. Rand Paul pledged not to take money from Senators who supported the bailout... until they were willing to line his coffers. Rand Paul is for term limits... except when they apply to him.

And Rand Paul says he's going to balance the entire federal budget next year... he's just not going to tell you how he'll do it this year.

And why is Rand Paul waffling? Because he knows you.

And you will not buy his risky agenda ladies and gentlemen.

He's shown a callous disregard for the poorest among us... saying they just need a little tough love.

He's shown that same disregard for our farmers, our students and our veterans. He would eliminate the farm support programs and he would prevent our students from getting student aid. And Rand Paul even opposes the American with Disabilities Act which provides for basic rights when our disabled veterans return home from these wars.

Folks, Rand Paul plays to your fears rather than to your hopes. He even rails that in America today, we're like the fall of Rome. Well, you know what, I say he's wrong. I say our best days are ahead of us. And you what, I'll quote Bill Clinton. "There's nothing wrong with America that can't be fixed with what is right with America."

This is an important election. It's not about me. And it's not about a waffling pessimist who just wants to be the Prince of cable tv. It's about the people of Kentucky. It's about the people of Kentucky who are hurting and they need someone to stand up for them.

My roots run deep in western Kentucky. I will carry your hopes and your values to the United States Senate and I humbly ask for your support.

Here's Rand Paul's response. He spends a lot of time railing against Speaker Pelosi and President Obama. He won't get away with ignoring his extreme remarks when they have to actually debate each other. As was noted in the KOS diary...

And on the doom-and-gloom side... NeanderPaul team had Death reapers walking around (gotta keep that fear cranking).

Ain't that the truth?

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