Jennifer Rubin: Obama 'Not A Good Person' For Talking About Racism

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin and NewsMax radio host Steve Malzberg attacked President Obama for daring to speak out about racism and claimed all of that ended with the repeal of Jim Crow laws.

with Rush Limbaugh and the talking heads over at ClusterFox.

Jennifer Rubin: Obama 'Not a Good Person' for Talking About Racism, Which 'Most Americans Have Never Personally Experienced':

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin and NewsMax radio host Steve Malzberg yesterday spent an entire interview complaining that President Obama focuses too much on race while also ignoring problems in the black community. According to Rubin, racism effectively ended with the repeal of Jim Crow laws and no one experiences racism these days, except for Obama who seeks to use race “as a crutch or a method of stirring up his base.” [...]

Rubin explained that Obama’s recent remarks on race prove that he is “the absolute worst.”

“I do not think that this man is a good person,” Rubin said. “He wants to incite people and to rally people for political ends; that is not a good person.”

Conservative columnist attacks Obama over ‘disgusting’ speech on racism:

Commenting on President Barack Obama’s speech last Friday, Rubin suggested that racial prejudice and discrimination no longer existed. It was, in her words, something “that most Americans have never personally experienced.”

The higher crime rates in predominately black communities was not the result of centuries of systemic racism, Rubin said. It was because African-Americans had children out of wedlock, used drugs, and didn’t take responsibility for their lives.

“It is just mind-boggling and, first of all, he doesn’t address the issue of black-on-black crime which is much larger, as you know, and much more of an endemic problem, and he doesn’t comment on every black kid that shoots another black kid,” she said. “Why is that? He is only interested in cases that can bring up the race issue? What about the number of black kids that are killed every week, every month in Chicago?”

Malzberg said Obama believed dysfunction in the black community was due to America’s violent past.

“Exactly,” Rubin continued. “You know, the sad part about it, or the disgusting part about it — however you think of these things — is that he doesn’t address then the current problems, he doesn’t address broken families, he doesn’t address kids who grow up without fathers, he doesn’t address the broken schools, he doesn’t address the drug problem, so all of these things are never addressed because its slavery or Jim Crow or whatever, and it is a complete lack of responsibility. I feel like we’ve gone backwards decades in the race issue.”

If Rubin wants to know who is trying to take us backwards, she just needs to go take a good long look in the mirror.

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