Jesse LaGreca On Time Magazine's Choice Of The Protester As Their 'Person Of The Year'

Occupy Wall Street protester and Daily KOS contributor Jesse LaGreca, otherwise known as MinistryOfTruth, stopped by the set of the Ed Schultz show to discuss Time Magazine's selection of the protester as their "person of the year" that Diane wrote

wrote about here.

Naturally this has the right wingers over at Fox terribly upset with everyone from the crew at Fox & Friends, to Megyn Kelly and her guest Chris Plante and Eric Bolling during their show that filled Glenn Beck's former time slot, The Five going on the attack and using the opportunity to call the protesters every name in the book.

It was nice seeing LaGreca have another opportunity to push back against the media narrative we've seen from the likes of Fox and their protection of the richest among us and to weigh in on what he thought the exposure from Time Magazine might mean for the movement and how they've managed to change the narrative in the country for the most part where income disparity is now a part of our national conversation.

Schultz and LaGreca also discussed one of the runners up for Time Magazine's Person of the Year, Rep. Paul Ryan and the fact that policies being promoted from the likes of Ryan are the reason why there are people out protesting in the streets to begin with.

You can read more about LaGreca's recent lobbying effort in Washington DC here -- We lobbied Congress IN PERSON to support Sen. Sanders Constitutional Amendment. This is our story.

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