But back to the segment, here is the back and forth between Beckel and Watters after some of the others weighed in on their latest drummed up scandal to obsess over:
BECKEL: That's right, this is way out of their area of expertise, but I will say this again, the English, the Europeans came over and threw the Indians off their land, exterminated them, threw them into reservations...
WATTERS: Exterminated!! (crosstalk) So let me get this straight Bob. America's Founding Fathers, they came over here, colonized America and made it the great land that we are today. You're saying they exterminated a whole race of people?
BECKEL: I see you must have been educated in Chicago...
WATTERS: You don't really believe that, do you?
BECKEL: ... because the Founding Fathers came here a hundred years after the Pilgrims came here.
WATTERS: The colonists, Bob and all the principles that came over on the Mayflower... freedom...
BECKEL: What do you think they did with the Indians? What do you think they did with them?
WATTERS: What do you think they did with who?
BECKEL: Those Indians that occupied that land.
WATTERS: They ate corn and they had Thanksgiving.
BECKEL: Oh, I see. They all did that. I guess they had turkey, a little stuffing...
WATTERS: And they dressed (inaudible) and they wrapped themselves around blankets. Yeah. And they sang kumbaya.