Joan Walsh Calls Out McCain's Hypocrisy With Calling For End Of 'War On Women'
Ed Schultz spoke to Salon's Joan Walsh and Obama Super PAC head Bill Burton about John McCain's statement that the GOP needs to "get off" of the war on women and start focusing on other issues if they don't want to be badly damaged in the upcoming
Ed Schultz spoke to Salon's Joan Walsh and Obama Super PAC head Bill Burton about John McCain's statement that the GOP needs to "get off" of the war on women and start focusing on other issues if they don't want to be badly damaged in the upcoming election. As Schultz noted, it doesn't appear the state legislatures around the country are listening to his advice, with Tennessee just being the latest example.
Joan Walsh rightfully pointed out McCain's hypocrisy on the matter when he just voted for the Blunt amendment which would allow any employer and not just religious institutions to deny contraceptive coverage to women. They also discussed the "tell your boss why you're on the pill" bill making its way through the Arizona legislature and McCain now saying he doesn't want to see that bill pass either.
As all of them noted, Republicans like McCain or more than happy to appease their base with support of these kinds of laws, until they start backfiring on them politically as we're seeing now.