John Boehner Throws Hour Long Hissy Fit On The House Floor

While the cable news channels decided that nothing else was going on other than the death of Michael Jackson, John Boehner was on the floor of the Hou

Minority Leader John Boehner On The Clean Energy & Climate Change Bill. I've just got the last few minutes of his freedom lovin' diatribe here.

The bill passed, barely, but all this exercise appeared to be to me was Boehner seeing if he could talk long enough to make a few members of the House get tired of listening to him and leave. Games. Political theater, pure and simple. No one likes this bill on either side and it appears the sausage makers have mucked it up enough that is not a good bill. Boehner didn't need an hour long rant to get that point across.

David Waldman's got a summary of the bill at Congress Matters:

American Clean Energy and Security Act.

He makes a good point that goes to the hypocrisy of Boehner's theatrics yesterday as well. Will the Republicans actually read their substitute bill they're likely to offer? Here's a "Read the Bill" question for you...

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