McCain's Fanboy Photograph With Syrian Rebels Of No Interest To Fox

Fox News Sunday host John Roberts asks Sen. John McCain about his unfortunate photo-op with Syrian kidnappers, but gives him a pass when he claims he knew who he was "paling around" with.

his photo op with some of the rebels there.

Roberts asked McCain about Sen. Rand Paul's recent criticism on the topic and after some rambling where he claimed that he knew perfectly well who he was meeting with, he was given a complete pass by Roberts who had no follow up whatsoever.

ROBERTS: Sen. McCain you if you were recently in Syria and as a result of that trip there were several reports that claim that you had a photograph taken with the notorious kidnapper named Mohammad Nour. Your spokesman said if that was the case it was regrettable, but Sen. Rand Paul picked up on that essentially said “If you don't know who you're having your photo taken with, how do you know who you're given weapons to?”

MCCAIN: Well I knew... I know who I met with and in fact I met with a group of Syrians yesterday. They've been a brave people. They are fighting for freedom. I know who they are. [...]

And it cries out for American leadership. We need American leadership and that's what I get in every country and every one of these people that I talk to. And yes I know the difference between Al-Nusra and the legitimate people who we should be supporting, and the best way to do that is give them a safe area to operate out of in Syria, and we can do it with cruise missiles, and we do not need any boots on the ground.

I don't know about anyone else, but he was giving me flashbacks to the presidential campaign where he was rambling on about how "he knew how to fix the economy" as well.

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