John McCain: I Advise My Friends To Go Ahead And Watch The Cable News
McCain wants to make sure no one in the Congress quits paying attention to that propoganda machine out there because his constituents are watching it.
McCain wants to make sure no one in the Congress quits paying attention to that propoganda machine out there because his constituents are watching it.
Van Susteren: President Obama said to the Democrats today that they need to stop paying attention to cable news and we didn’t get singled out in particular this time.
McCain: I don’t know they were referring to.
Van Susteren: I think he actually said CNN and Fox News. But he said they need to go out and pay attention to their constituents. Is this President paying attention to his constituents and are those members of the House, both parties paying attention to constituents or not?
McCain: Well, first of all, I advise my friends to go ahead and watch the cable news because our constituents are. Listen…
Van Susteren: I’ll take that plug.
McCain: Yeah. Listen I’ll walk down the street in Phoenix and they’ll say “I saw you on Greta” you know. They may say lousy job but they’ll say “I saw you on Greta”. People watch and people get a lot of their news and information and opinion from cable news. So I would advise members of Congress just the opposite because we want to know what information that your constituents are getting.
Second of all it’s always the way that we have, politicians do in all due respect—shoot the messenger. Shoot the messenger, don’t worry about the message. And the message is that we’re hearing that they’re sick and tired of business as usual. Some polls have the approval rating of Congress in single digits and that you get down to blood relatives and paid staffers. The message I think may come in this November and it might be the most interesting political election that you and I have seen.