John McLaughlin: 'Dueling Divas And Media Darlings' Palin And Bachmann In 2012?

After John McLaughlin fawning over "dueling divas and media darlings" Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, he asks if the tea partiers are looking for a

40% of the tea party is Democrats or Independents bull-pucky we've debunked before here at C&L. Then she plays the evil feminist women won't let Sarah Palin into their ranks because she's not a liberal nonsense. He reasoning; liberal women don't support Palin and Bachmann politically. Eleanor Clift points out how ridiculous that is. If anyone thought this show was bad before they let Crowley on there, she's really just taken it straight into the ClusterFox talking points sewer. Hey Monica... besides Eleanor's points, maybe most liberal women don't support them because they're both bats**t crazy. How about that for some food for thought?

Pat Buchanan tries to portray the tea partiers as "swing voters". McLaughlin asks Mort Zuckerman (who's on the liberal side of the panel where he doesn't belong btw) what he thinks of Bachmann's "gangster government" comment. Zuckerman says the "rhetoric is misplaced" and "unnecessarily arousing" isn't sure who they're appealing to. Besides being the understatement of the year there, I can tell you exactly who they're "arousing" Mort and one of them is sitting across the aisle from you. Eleanor Clift thankfully corrects Pat's nonsense about them being "swing voters". Monica Crowley of course defends Bachmann's over the top rhetoric.

McLaughlin wraps up the segment by asking if a Palin/Bachmann ticket is plausible or a conservative fantasy. Even Palin's fanboy Buchanan thinks it's a bit much. Eleanor Clift calls them the Thelma and Louise of the Republican Party, even Crowley admits that will never happen and Mort Zuckerman admits Palin is going to have a problem with her voice being "shrill". Yeah, like fingernails on a chalkboard Mort.

It was like watching an episode of the Twilight Zone hearing even the possibility of those two running together on a national ticket; Thelma and Louise indeed. Bill Moyers is leaving PBS and this relic is probably going to stay on there until he's 100... just ain't right...(sigh).

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