John Oliver Skewers Chris Matthews For Painfully Wrong Presidential Primary Predictions

Following Chris Matthews' big bold predication that the GOP is going to go "hard right" and nominate Sen. Rand Paul as their presidential nominee in 2016, The Daily Show's John Oliver started off his final week filling in for John Stewart reminding the viewers of some of Matthews' previous painfully wrong predictions.

and nominate Sen. Rand Paul as their presidential nominee in 2016, The Daily Show's John Oliver started off his final week filling in for John Stewart reminding the viewers of some of Matthews' previous painfully wrong predictions.

If Matthews truly knew what he was talking about, we'd have been treated to Rudy Giuliani as the Republican candidate in 2008 and Michele Bachmann in 2012. And sadly as Oliver noted, someone does actually pay Chris Matthews to do this for a living.

OLIVER: It's what he does for a living. He's paid to do that... money... human money. Is he a psychic or a time traveler? Either way, we must burn him as a witch.

Chris Matthews doesn't just routinely have egg on his face, he has a chicken copping a squat onto his face, laying an egg between his eyes, **ing on that egg, punching that egg and then rubbing it all over his face.

Oliver went onto explain that we don't really need to put up with the endless hours of election coverage years before our presidential elections are even held if we just follow Australia's example.

Here's more on that from Raw Story: John Oliver: You do not pair a penis with red wine:

Monday night on The Daily Show, host John Oliver proved that Australia’s presidential elections were just as much of a gaffe-filled fun-fest as America’s presidential elections.

Why venture into Australian politics? Oliver hoped the demonstration would make Americans cut down the current election season from four years to one month.

“You name a great campaign moment and Australia will get to it this month,” he said.

As Oliver explained, Australians had their own versions of Rick Perry, Anthony Weiner and Sarah Palin but they somehow managed to wrap it all up in just a month. Lord knows it would be nice if had that here.

All Oliver asked of the pundits was to please, at least wait until Jon Stewart got back from his vacation from The Daily Show.

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