John Oliver Skewers Media Coverage Of Musk's Hyperloop

We already touched on the subject here, and tech entrepreneur Elon Musk's great vision for the future of high speed transportation in the United States. The Daily Show's John Oliver unpacked some of the really terrible media coverage on the subject as only that show can.

on the subject here, and tech entrepreneur Elon Musk's great vision for the future of high speed transportation in the United States. The Daily Show's John Oliver unpacked some of the really terrible media coverage on the subject as only that show can.

The clip is worth watching for the roller coaster joke alone, and once again, CNN got the treatment they deserve for foolishness that looked like it belonged on a children's show. I'm not sure who CNN thinks they're appealing to with the hire of Richard Quest, who Oliver was mocking here, but generally at the first sight or sound of him on the air my immediate reaction is to either turn the channel or hit the mute button as fast as humanly possible.

Jon Stewart is back next week. He's going to have his work cut out for him when he does return because John Oliver has been doing one hell of a job filling in for him while he was gone.

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