Johnston And Gerard On The Devastating Effects Of Ryan's Budget On The Elderly, The Disabled And Children

Ed Schultz talked to Tax.com's David Cay Johnston and The United Steelworkers Leo Gerard about just how devastating Paul Ryan and the Republicans new budget proposal would be to the disabled, the elderly and children. Remember when everyone on the

Ed Schultz talked to Tax.com's David Cay Johnston and The United Steelworkers Leo Gerard about just how devastating Paul Ryan and the Republicans new budget proposal would be to the disabled, the elderly and children. Remember when everyone on the right and much of our beltway media was criticizing Alan Grayson for saying the Republicans' health care plan was not to get sick, and if you do get sick, "die quickly?" I think Paul Ryan just proved him right this week.

As David Cay Johnston pointed out during this segment, that's exactly what Ryan's budget proposals will do; assure that more people die because they can't afford to get the treatment they need as his vouchers become increasingly worthless as the cost of care continues to go up and gets pushed back onto the consumer.

And as Leo Gerard made clear, Ryan's claims that giving huge tax cuts to the rich will create jobs is a farce. As he noted, if that were true, we'd have been at full employment while Bush was in office.

Johnston also expressed his frustration with a lack of a plan to get our budget under control that doesn't balance it on the backs of the working class from the Democrats and I couldn't agree with him more. Since any talk of raising taxes seems to be taboo among our political class, I don't know what it's going to take to finally see that happen.

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