Jon Kyl Needs To Be Examined: 'You Should Never Have To Offset The Cost Of Lowering Taxes'

As Think Progress noted, Jon Kyl made very clear what his priorities are during this interview on Fox News Sunday. Deficit Fraud Jon Kyl: ‘You Sh

Deficit Fraud Jon Kyl: ‘You Should Never Have To Offset’ Tax Cuts:

But today on Fox News Sunday, Kyl threw his concerns about the deficit out the window when discussing tax cuts. Kyl said Congress should not allow the Bush tax cuts to expire, but when host Chris Wallace asked, “How are you going to pay the $678 billion to keep Bush tax cuts for the wealthy?” Kyl wouldn’t answer. And in fact, he went so far as to say tax cuts should never have to be paid for:

WALLACE: We’re running out of time, so how are you going to pay $678 billion just on the tax cuts for people making more than $250,000 a year?

KYL: You should never raise taxes in order to cut taxes. Surely congress has the authority and it would be right, if we decide we want to cut taxes to spur the economy, not to have to raise taxes in order to offset those costs. You do need to offset the cost of increased spending. And that’s what republicans object to. But you should never have to offset cost of a deliberate decision to reduce tax rates on Americans.

As they also pointed out he didn't have quite that same concern for the unemployed in America when he agreed with Jim Bunning for holding up benefits saying that they ought to be paid for.

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