Jon Stewart Blasts Media For Having 'Case Of The Blue Bombs' On Syria

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart once again let the media have it for their coverage of the events unfolding with Syria on everything from Wolf Blitzer's ridiculous interview with President Obama, to Fox and their knee-jerk opposition to anything and everything President Obama does even if it ought to be good news for the country.

Jon Stewart destroys Fox News’ ‘parasitic, succubus-like existence’ in hyper-speed rant:

After playing a quick-cut montage of Fox News personalities, Jon Stewart delivered his own lightning-quick rebuttal to their complaint that the U.S. had shown “weakness” by going along with Russia’s proposal to have Syria surrender its chemical weapons.

“If we caught Charlie Manson, who gives a sh*t who gets the collar?” Stewart asked. “And I get that Fox opposes a Syria peace plan because its motus operandi is to foment dissent in the form of a relentless and irrational contrarianism to Barack Obama and all things Democratic to advance its ultimate objective of creating a deliberately misinformed body politic whose fear, anger, mistrust and discontent is the manna upon which it sustains its parasitic succubus-like existence.”

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