Jon Stewart Slams CNN For Their Coverage Of Anthony Weiner: CNN Handled This With Their Trademark 'I Guess We'll Never Know'
After the latest Breitbart smear of Rep. Anthony Weiner, it's no surprise that Jon Stewart would take to the airways and defend the Congressman who's an old friend of his. And all jokes aside on the controversy, Stewart's sharpest criticism was aimed squarely at CNN for their terrible job of "reporting" on the matter and for allowing Andrew Breitbart to come back on the air to further smear the Congressman unchallenged.
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After the latest Breitbart smear of Rep. Anthony Weiner, it's no surprise that Jon Stewart would take to the airways and defend the Congressman who's an old friend of his. And all jokes aside on the controversy, Stewart's sharpest criticism was aimed squarely at CNN for their terrible job of "reporting" on the matter and for allowing Andrew Breitbart to come back on the air to further smear the Congressman unchallenged.
STEWART: I don't know what the hell this is. I don't know what's going on. I really hope it's not for real. Obviously Weiner insists his Twitter account was hacked. If only there was a trusted name in news. Name the most trusted name in news who brings to media editorial gravitas and insightful reportage to this mess.
Cut to CNN pretending they have no way to find out what the facts are on the story.
STEWART: Well I guess that's the end of it. By the way, those liberal and conservative blogs having an all out war, they're probably not doing anything about this story, except showing that the EXIF tags from the photo don't match the camera Weiner normally uses, although analysis of the actual yfrog image shows no signs of manipulation although it's very odd that the only person who image in the tweet has a history of sending harassing messages to the woman who had received the tweet and others who follow the Congressman on Twitter.
Wow, those blogs, that sounds a lot like reporting. Slow down Woodward and Blogstein let the big boys at CNN handle this with their trademark "I guess we'll never know."
To be fair, they’re not just going to let a guy come on and speculate saying Congressman Weiner might be some sort of sexual predator or pedophile, particularly if the accuser is someone who has openly and publicly sworn that his life’s mission is to destroy those people on the institutional Left.
Oh but sadly, that's exactly what they did. Once again, the Comedy Central fake news show does a better job of honestly reporting on a story than CNN does.
Updated to correct transcript.