Jon Stewart: Romney Got 'Rickrolled' During GOP Debate
While looking at the GOP debate at the Ronald Reagan Library this week and the Villagers' assumption that Rick Perry just destroyed his chances of being nominated in the Republican primary, Stewart explained why the pundits were looking at Perry' comments on Social Security and cancer with the wrong part of their brain... the brain part. He also followed up with explaining why he thought Perry was going to be our next president of the United States if Democrats followed some of Al Sharpton's advice following the debate.
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While looking at the GOP debate at the Ronald Reagan Library this week and the Villagers' assumption that Rick Perry just destroyed his chances of being nominated in the Republican primary, Stewart explained why the pundits were looking at Perry' comments on Social Security and cancer with the wrong part of their brain... the brain part. He also followed up with explaining why he thought Perry was going to be our next president of the United States if Democrats followed some of Al Sharpton's advice following the debate.
I agree with him when it comes to whether Perry made himself unelectable in the primary race or not. The general election, now that's another matter.
STEWART: Yes, the sophisticated, presidential Romney has no idea how to connect with these people.
ROMNEY: I don't think you carry cards in the tea party. I believe in a lot of what the tea party believes in […] So I put together a plan with a whole series of points of how we can get America's economy going again. Tea party people like that.
STEWART: Now, here's Perry.
PERRY: I hate cancer.
STEWART: Oh shit! I hate cancer. Romney, you just got Rickrolled mother-f@#ker! There you have it. This is why this man is formidable.
Republicans have a choice between a guy that has a multipoint fact-based plan that he thinks could get the economy going, or a guy who'll punch cancer in the f@#king face!
All due respect to both Romney and the citizens of Talking-heads-sylvania, but you are up against something you are too smart to understand. Let me break it down and I'll use big words, so you can get it.
In the presence of Republican voters, Rick Perry actually hits a neuroendocrine reaction that reroutes semi-analytical cortex activity as a hot wave of electrochemical impulses, stimulating their proto-reptilian limbic system. You don't get Rick Perry here... you get him here! […]
Mitt Romney is Ralph Lauren Polo eau de toilette. Rick Perry is the resin form of the pheromone found in Sri Lankan tiger semen. So get ready Democrats! 'Cause right there's the hombre you're up against. I hope you've got a good strategy cooking.