Jon Stewart Skewers Tom Coburn For Opposition To Veterans Jobs Bill

It was nice to see someone finally skewer Sen. Tom Coburn for his hypocrisy on what he considers wasteful spending by the Congress. I'm sick and tired of watching the Villagers in the press give this guy way more deference than he deserves and pretending he's some honest broker when it comes to fiscal responsibility and not just another right-wing partisan who's always got an excuse for why he voted in lock-step with the rest of the extremists in his party.

Coburn voted against the Veterans Jobs Corp Act and Stewart gave what is an appropriate response to his cynicism. It's too bad he's not treated with this much scorn more often.

STEWART: The unemployment rate for veterans, 11 percent, 3 percent higher than the general population. Luckily, the Senate today has taken up a bill that would help get jobs for the over 700 thousand veterans, currently out of work. […]

Yes, the Senate voted on a bill that would provide a billion dollars to veterans to help them get jobs in law enforcement, fire departments and/or federal land. The bill was affirmed by 58 Senators, rejected by only 40, thus failing to pass, because apparently in Senate-world, 58-40 is a losing score and you eat out of your anus and s**t out of your ears.

Leading the charge against America's fighting men, Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn, who opposes on grounds of fiscal responsibility. […]

That's right. This bill is felonious crap. By the way, also the name of my jazz fusion band...

Stewart went on to give the likes of Coburn the smack-down he deserves for his hypocrisy on what exactly entails “felonious crap.”

STEWART: So once again, 800 billion dollars, unfunded, for war. A billion dollars, but paid for in a way you aren't crazy about to help the guys who fought the war get jobs afterwards, “We're not made out of money people.”

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